This is the cynical view of life in big organzations - but there's always a grain of truth.
Doug Adams has been compiling this advice for new grads. Lots of folks have added their comments.
The Dilbert Blog: Wisdom for Grads: "There's no such thing as good ideas and bad ideas. There are only your own ideas and other people's. If you want someone to like your idea, tell him he said it last week and you just remembered.
Teamwork is what you call it when you trick other people into ignoring their priorities in favor of yours.
Leadership is a form of evil. No one needs to lead you to do something that is obviously good for you.
You can estimate the time for any project by multiplying the number of idiots involved by one week and adding the number of capable co-workers times four weeks. (The competent ones are busier.)"
Here's the latest infor regarding my health status and the things i'm thinking about... cancer status, memoirs, books, movies, friends, etc..
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Pew Research Center: Are We Happy Yet?
Pew Research Center: Are We Happy Yet?: "Several of them [correlations] stand out: Married people are happier than unmarrieds. People who worship frequently are happier than those who don't. Republicans are happier than Democrats. Rich people are happier than poor people. Whites and Hispanics are happier than blacks. Sunbelt residents are happier than those who live in the rest of the country."
Whew! I didn't know I was so unhappy -- an unmarried, non-church-going, middle class, northeastern Democrat. Well, if this is misery so be it. I'm pretty content.
It's an interesting study, even if it isn't personally relevant.
Whew! I didn't know I was so unhappy -- an unmarried, non-church-going, middle class, northeastern Democrat. Well, if this is misery so be it. I'm pretty content.
It's an interesting study, even if it isn't personally relevant.
OSHA Ergonomic Solutions: Computer Workstations eTool - Index for Computer Workstations
OSHA Ergonomic Solutions: Computer Workstations eTool - Index for Computer Workstations
When you spend as much time as I do sitting in front of a computer screen writing and researching, comfort is critical. There's nothing worse than neck pain when a deadline hovers.
This OSHA site provides some interesting information on equipment, position, and environment. It's prompted me to move my monitor -- closer and lower. I'll let you know whether I find it an improvement.
Thanks, OSHA.
When you spend as much time as I do sitting in front of a computer screen writing and researching, comfort is critical. There's nothing worse than neck pain when a deadline hovers.
This OSHA site provides some interesting information on equipment, position, and environment. It's prompted me to move my monitor -- closer and lower. I'll let you know whether I find it an improvement.
Thanks, OSHA.
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