Don't Tell the Donor
Don't Tell the Donor
News and opinions from the world of nonprofit fundraising... ripped from the headlines and passed as gossip through development offices... these are the stories you might not want to tell the donor.
Here's the latest infor regarding my health status and the things i'm thinking about... cancer status, memoirs, books, movies, friends, etc..
Don't Tell the Donor
News and opinions from the world of nonprofit fundraising... ripped from the headlines and passed as gossip through development offices... these are the stories you might not want to tell the donor.
I have an 20-year-ongoing Excel spreadsheet, updated quarterly, calledTo read what some people track on spread sheets:
"My Life" with the following columns: Date, Address, Job, Monthly
earnings, Boyfriend (5 years for the current one, but amusing
information before that), and notable events during the quarter. Only
the Monthly earning is graphible, but it's a handy chart at times.